Discover Hanover® Magazine 2025 Is In The Works

The Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with York County and Explore York, is excited to embark on another year of Discover Hanover® Magazine.

2025 will mark Discover Hanover® Magazine's 17th year of publication. After the brand refresh from last year's magazine, we are thrilled to expand upon the new improvements to the website. We are now offering advertisement space on our website in the form of banner ads and featured business posts. In the last year, the Discover Hanover® website saw 12,000+ unique visitors from all 50 states, and we expect to see these numbers grow.

While these new additions to our marketing options will allow advertisers to reach a digital audience, Discover Hanover® will still be offering its print advertisement opportunities as well.

"I am excited to get started on Discover Hanover® Magazine for 2025," states Katie Bream, Marketing & Public Relations Manager and Editor-in-Chief. "We have received a lot of positive feedback from 2024's visual refresh and the new website, and we are looking forward to making this round of magazines even better!"

To get involved with Discover Hanover®, and to learn more about the different types of advertisements, please reach out to Katie at or 717-637-6130 ext. 105.

If you haven't already, be sure visit our new and improved website at

Discover Hanover® is Hanover's destination brand, brought to you by the Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Explore York and Destination Gettysburg. Funding for Discover Hanover® is granted by the York County Tourism Grant Program.