Legislative Agenda
Changes to Pennsylvania’s labor relations and employment policies are necessary to address abuses and foster a fair work environment. The business community supports improving the unemployment compensation and workers compensation systems while opposing mandates that increase the cost of doing business.
The Hanover area’s economic future is dependent on a career ready workforce. The Chamber will work with policy makers, educators, and businesses to ensure that the needs of the business community are met.
Employers in the Hanover area continue to experience workforce challenges that are detrimental to their growth. The Chamber will continue to focus on talent development, retention, facilitate upskilling opportunities, and make the Hanover area an attractive destination for individuals starting their career or relocating.
General Business
The Hanover Chamber’s policy priorities will focus on government reform to benefit general commerce, job creation and the overall economy.
The Chamber will advocate for ongoing improvements to transportation, utility, technology and broadband to support the growth of business and commerce in the greater Hanover region.