Retirement and Coronavirus: How Will You Be Affected

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Join Domani Wealth on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. for an economic overview and thoughts on how you can stay strategic about your retirement planning in uncertain financial times like our current season of weathering the novel coronavirus.

Presenters will review equity and fixed-income markets, share about different considerations such as if you can still retire on your schedule, and discuss recent regulatory changes including required minimum distribution waivers.

Different retirement savings strategies will be reviewed, including less-commonly known options to help reduce your taxable income, as well as thoughts on tax-loss harvesting to keep your investment portfolio strong in these volatile markets.

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Presenter: Ken Eshleman, CFP®, Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Ken helps individuals and their families develop customized financial plans aligned with their personal goals and objectives. He collaborates with the firm's Investment Strategy Group to construct clients' portfolios coordinated with their financial goals, cash needs, and appropriate risk levels.

He also works very closely with nonprofit and institutional boards to gain a deep understanding of the organizations and develop customized investment plans designed to meet the clients' objectives. Having served as a board member for several organizations, he has significant experience in investment policies and allocations for institutional clients.

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Presenter: Angie Stephenson, CFP®, CPA/PFS, Partner, Senior Wealth Advisor, COO
Angie works closely with individuals, their families, trusts and charitable foundations to develop customized financial plans that are aligned with their personal goals and objectives. She is also very active in working with families that utilize Domani Wealth as their Family Wealth Office. As a CPA with significant tax and consulting experience, Angie applies this specialized knowledge to various aspects of client planning, including estate, gift, business ownership, wealth transfer, trust and foundation engagement.

Angie also works very closely with the firm's Investment Strategy Group to align clients' portfolios with their financial plans, goals, cash needs and appropriate risk levels.

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Presenter: Chris Stock, MBA, AIF®, Partner, Senior Wealth Advisor
Chris Stock takes complicated financial situations and provides clear, objective advice. He's known for communicating in an easy-to-understand way that clients can grasp and appreciate.

He works closely with individuals and families, and his favorite days are filled with client and prospect meetings, he says.

Chris focuses on developing financial plans geared to each individual client situation, ensuring that the strategies and tactics therein put the client on a path to reaching their financial goals. He works with Domani Wealth's Investment Strategy Group, to monitor every client's plan, making adjustments over time to re-align the plan as needed.